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LACE: Exploring the Scranton Lace Company

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Around this time last year, I got a chance to legally wander around the Scranton Lace Company. I walked away with a few neat photos, I suppose! This time around, though, I packed up my Rhino slider and decided to shoot some video. I think it came out pretty alright. 

The footage was lightly sharpened, then graded ever so slightly using Premiere's in-house 3-way color corrector tool. I was going to de-noise the footage, but I think the grain works in its favor. 

Since I was carrying significantly more camera gear this time around, I didn't cover quite as much ground as I did last year. Still, I hit every area that I wanted to and got the shots I wanted to walk away with.

Then, I promptly locked my keys in my car, so I was able to admire the exterior of the factory as I waited for AAA. A minor blemish on an otherwise great day. 

Music by Deaf Center, and the opportunity to explore the sprawling factory once again thanks to Matthew Christopher of Abandoned America